Welcome to the place where your food, your body, your health, and your joy for life are going to shake hands again!
The foundation:
“We are what we eat”.
Honestly, I am convinced that we are far more than that. However, I do believe that, in one way or another, our plate reflects our complex inner world, and that many of the choices we make around our food are nothing more than the automatic projection of unconscious patterns established a long time ago… frequently, too long.
Bringing these mechanisms to light can be one of the most liberating acts when it comes to recovering a healthy relationship with your plate, with your body, with your health, and, as a result, with your life.
What will you find in “Your Life on a Plate”?
1) Cutting-edge information from a scientific standpoint, resources, practical tools, personal reflections, experiences, and opinions about food, nutrition, and health, as well as self-care and well-being. All this in simple language, easy to understand and integrate into your daily life.
2) Solid and scientifically-based information. Health cannot be compromised.
3) A space in which I will be outspoken about nutrition, without any vested or created interests (I won’t sell any “miraculous” products), and without the interference of what some social network influencers may be promoting as the “ultimate dietary trend.”
4) A holistic way of nourishing without “labels,” i.e., no diets of any kind.
Are you interested in finding out what I want to share with you? You can click on the following button:
Who is “Your life on a Plate” for?
FOR YOU. Absolutely! 😊
Honestly, I do believe that anyone can reap the benefits of the content I want to share.
However, this website was particularly conceived for those who have in front of them a recent medical diagnosis that involves an urgent change in their eating and lifestyle patterns, but they don’t know where to start.
Here you have some examples:
Obesity or excess weight that complicates your health status.
Stress and anxiety wreaking havoc on your entire body (from head to toe).
High blood pressure, high cholesterol or metabolic syndrome that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Hormonal shift around menopause, which makes this transition a complicated period to navigate.
Different hormonal imbalances: thyroid, estrogens, androgens, cortisol... Who knows which one! The only thing you can be certain of is your mental mantra: “Breathing makes me gain weight” or “I have no vital energy.”
Your digestive system complains: Dyspepsia, bloating, discomfort, etc. Although blood tests seem all right, you can sense that something is wrong.
Who else might be interested?
Those who feel reflected in one of the following scenarios in their everyday life:
You stare, discouraged, at the endless list of foods that have been forbidden to you, and you have no idea how you’re going to manage. Not to mention the feelings of restriction and lack of freedom you experience.
You feel exhausted, scattered, or as Bilbo Baggins said: "Stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread."
You’re overwhelmed by the constant storm of nutrition and health information. You encounter many biased, incomplete, sometimes pernicious, and often contradictory messages. You want to believe, but who?
You experience the frustration and guilt of repeatedly falling back into your old (and not very healthy) habits regarding food and self-care.
Hungry: You’ve tried all the diets, from A to Z, and you just think: “When will it stop so I can eat again?” This part is especially painful, as isn’t it all about nourishing our body?
Do you resonate with any of these situations?
Do you know someone who might benefit from this project?
Do not hesitate to share this information with them. I also invite you to subscribe to the newsletter (see how at the end of this message) to receive news, blog posts, and announcements of events and upcoming courses!
What services do I offer? How do I work with you?
Here you have a short list:
Do you want to know a little more about each of them? Click here for details!
And who am I to talk about nutrition and health?
If you are someone who’s known me for a long time, at this point you may be wondering: “How did Teresa end up here? What a leap!”
On the other hand, if you and I are just meeting now, I imagine you might be interested in knowing who I am to talk about nutrition.
In either case, here you can read a little bit about me: How I got to this point, my professional certificates, my "life qualifications" and what moves me to get up every morning and get going.
I reiterate what I said at the beginning:
However, this section may be useful for you to see which energy I share with my clients, what moves me, and what makes my teeth grind 😉.
How can you contact me?
Easy! 😊
If you prefer, you can also send me an email to
Stay up-to-date with my latest news and articles!
I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to receive news, special offers and blog posts that I will be uploading periodically, as well as announcements of exciting events and courses that I will be launching throughout the upcoming year!
you can Choose just one of these two options:
Enter your email in the form that pops up when you open the website for the first time.
Sign up at the bottom of this page.
(scroll down until the end)
And of course, don’t hesitate to share this website with anyone you think might find it useful. I’ll be very grateful if you help me spread this message! 😊
Am I going to bother you by flooding you with e-mails?
Absolutely NOT!
You will receive my newsletter a couple of times a month, or just when I have something really valuable, inspiring, or relevant that I want to share with you.
You may feel as if it comes “as a surprise,” but when it does, you can be sure that you will find something tasty, nutritious, and nurturing.😊
This is my commitment to you and my respect for you.
I want you to feel like you’re in a “healthy, free buffet”:
Take what resonates with you and let go the rest.
The only essential thing is that you can (re)create the puzzle of your own health and well-being, piece by piece.
Big, wholehearted hugs!
Teresa M.
PS: Here's one of the songs that have been playing while I was writing this message for you.
Wherever you are (office, home, in front of a coffee cup or enjoying your lunch), I invite you to grasp your headphones, listen to the song and sing it out loud (or at least, hum it!😉) ... It’s a major endorphin rush!
Food is not the only thing that nourishes us, and music is, undoubtedly, one of the best and most nutritious resources we can get!
Enjoy it!
“It’s a new day, it’s a new life for me…and I am feeling good” (Nina Simone)
PPS: Let's talk about the "elephant in the room!!!!!"
You may have seen that the “BLOG SECTION” is created, but I have not posted there yet (except for this first entry).
This is the point when all the marketing experts would jump on me:
"How unreliable!”
“How unprofessional!”
“How are we going to know if we like what she says if we can't read it?"
Marketing manuals in hand, yes, they are right.
However, two remarks in this regard:
1) I wanted to share this website with all of you without further delay. I wanted the days around Christmas to witness the birth of this project.
Is everything flawless?
Of course not! Nor will it ever be.
It will be in a state of continuous development, growth, and change, like our own lives.
2) Very soon (yeah 😊!!!!!), I'll start posting interesting articles I've already been writing. Therefore, stay tuned and sign up for the Newsletter, so you don't miss them!
Haven't you done it yet? Just scroll down to the bottom of the page, and enter your email in the sign-up link there!